Wooden Snowflake
Snowflake decoration for your home. Simple to build, size approx 50cm in diameter
wood: nearly every kind of wood will work, I used (and recommend) 18mm thickness material, cut into 45mm strips.
In total best to use a 2000cm/1.8cm board
tools: saw (table saw or miter saw) which can be used to cut 90°, 60° and 30° angle
wood glue
Cut from the board 45mm wide strips
Process those into the following parts
- part P1 500mm length 1x
- part P2 250mm length 4x
- part P3 110mm length 12x
- part P4 80mm length 12x
(it doesn't really matter if if you vary a few millimetres)
cut the angles (30° or 60°) according to the attached drawing
Glue together and fix.