Turtle Basking Area
I made a basking area for my turtle because the old one got too small.
You need:
hot glue gun + glue sticks
gardening scissors
First, measure out the aquarium and where the basking area is going to go. Make sure to write them down or memorize them.
Then you want to grab your gardening scissors and go outside to cut off a few 1,5 cm wide twigs along with some 5 mm thick twigs. Get rid of all leaves and small branches attached to the twigs by cutting or sawing them off.
Glueing 1
After that you want to look at the measurements of the depth from the aquarium. Cut the thicker twigs for the 4 legs the same length as high as you want the water level to be. For the main sitting area you want to use about 5 or 6 of the 1,5 cm long twigs (depending on the size of your turtle). Make sure to wash everything and even sand them down if possible.Then glue the 6 big twigs together and the 4 other twigs on each corner.
Glueing 2
Now cut about 30 of the smaller twigs (also depending on the depth of your aquarium / water level) and before you glue them make sure to wash them and even sand them down as well. After that you can glue them together.
Glueing the 2 Pieces Together
Finally glue the two pieces together. You can choose which side you want to glue the ramp on.And remove the leftover thread from the hot glue.
Lastly set it in the aquarium for your turtle. It might take them a day or two to get used to the their new basking area.I hope your turtle enjoys it.