Soil Moisture Tester
Check your plant soil moisture with this simple tester. You will know if you need to water your plants.
I have some plants and I wanted to know if they needed some water.
I created a device that allows me to know if I need to water my plants.
I used a soil moisture sensor this measure ground conductivity. I connected it to an Arduino Uno and created some levels of soil moisture. The device has three LEDs. Green, yellow and red. Green led shows me that the soil moisture is good. Yellow shows me the soil moister is enough and red led shows the plants need water.
- Soil moisture sensor.
- Small breadboard.
- 3 330 Ω resistors.
- 5mm red led.
- 5mm yellow led.
- 5mm green led.
- Cable jumpers.
- Arduino Uno.
- Power Bank Anker (optional).
- Breadboard jumper wires.
Have Supplies on Hands
You should have your supplies on hands.
That save you time.
Make Connections
Use the schematic to make the connections between components.
Upload the Code
Upload the code to the Arduino Uno.
// Soil moisture tester
// Set leds numbers const int verde = 8; const int amarillo = 9; const int rojo = 10;// Set analog input const int sensor = A0;
// Variable to store moisture value int humedad = 0;
void setup() { //Set name as outputs pinMode(verde, OUTPUT); pinMode(amarillo, OUTPUT); pinMode(rojo, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
humedad = analogRead(sensor); //take the lecture from the sensor
if(humedad < 300) { // If the moisture value is less than 300 lights on green led and turns off others. digitalWrite(verde, HIGH); digitalWrite(amarillo, LOW); digitalWrite(rojo, LOW); delay(1000); }
else if(humedad > 300 && humedad < 600){ // If the moisture value is more than 300 but less that 600 lights on yellow led and turns off others.. digitalWrite(verde, LOW); digitalWrite(amarillo, HIGH); digitalWrite(rojo, LOW); delay(1000); }
else { // Any value more than 600 lights on red led and turns off others. digitalWrite(verde, LOW); digitalWrite(amarillo, LOW); digitalWrite(rojo, HIGH); delay(1000); } delay(1000); //Retardo de 1 segundo antes de iniciar el ciclo nuevamente.
Make Some Tests
Now you have a soil moisture tester.
You should have some tests. Try to measure different soil plants.
Enjoy your tester.