Simple Pocket Size Stack Tower Game
hello guys i am xpman and today we are going to make a simple pocket size stack tower game using everyday item this is a interesting project ,so i hope you enjoy and let's get started
if you are wondering what is stack tower ,it is basicly a game were we stack nuts on top of each other without destroying the tower
these are the items you need to make this project
1. nuts (any number)
2. badge case(pocket size)
3. a fitting cover(optional)
4. carpet needle/iron rod(any lenght as long as it fits in the case)
Step 1:arrange the Nuts
in this step we want as many nuts to fit in the case
this is because if you lose some nuts you must have some extra supply
so arrange the nuts as shown in the image,this was the maximum i could fit in my case
if you have a bigger case that can fit easily in your pocket ,then i may suggest to use that one.
Step 2: the Optional Beauty
here i am using a cover that includes in the badge case
i used this because i don't want the nut to be spilling all over
but if you don't have one ,its okay because it not that important
these cover help the nuts to stay in place
Step 3: Fit the Nail
here i am using a needle that is 6 cm but the lenght of my case is 4 cm
to make it fit into the case,i tilted a part of the needle into a handle as in image 1
now if you try ,the needle fits perfectly as shown in image 2
congragulations for making this simle pocket size game
as you can see i image 1 it fits perfectly in the pocket
this is a project to make people interested in makng game
hope you enjoy