Rhyming Word Collage
Looking for something to do with all those weekly ads? How about use it for an educational themed collage. This ible will show you how to make a Rhyming Word Collage with all those weekly ads lying around.
Weekly Ads
Card Stock (small pieces will suffice)
Pen / Crayon / Marker / Pencil
Scrap Paper
Through this project:
Weekly Ads
Card Stock (small pieces will suffice)
Pen / Crayon / Marker / Pencil
Scrap Paper
Through this project:
- Students will be able to cut small images
- Students will be able to write the names of objects
- Students will be able to choose rhyming pairs
- Students will be able to Glue a collage of rhyming pairs
Look and Write
Look through the weekly ads and write down the names of things that you see. I only ended up needing to look through 3 ads to get enough words for my collage.
Find Rhymes
Once I had a decent sized list I looked for words that rhymed and circled them. Then I went back to the advertisements and found those pictures. I ended up with hair / chair / bear. I wanted to add at least one more picture so I thought of wear and found a picture of a girl wearing an outfit.
Cut and Glue
Cut and Glue the rhymes out and onto the card stock like a collage.
On the back of the card I wrote the title "Rhymes with Tear," choosing a word that wasn't on the list on purpose. Then I wrote in the words that I found.