Prototype With PCBWay
I wanted to make a PCB as small as possible. I needed to use QFN components, but these components are difficult to solder yourself. So I used the PCBWay assembly service. I was amazed by the PCBWay customer service, they answered all my questions by mail, and very quickly. I had already used PCBWay to make this.
Thanks to offer electronic components for my projects
Design a PCB
To design your PCB, you can use EAGLE. To manufacturer your PCB, you will need two important files:
- A BOM file
- Gerbers files
With EAGLE you can export your PCB in gerber file, it's just a file which contain your PCB design.
The BOM file is a list of all the components which are used in your PCB. You can make a BOM with excel.
Design a Case for the PCB
To design a case, you can use Fusion 360. It's a really good software to make 3D object. You can export your design in STL file and you can print it easily. If you don't have a 3D printer you can use 3dhubs to print what you want.