Light Switch Cover
For my Instructable I made a cover for my room's light switch.
-Any empty soda can
-Adhesive Glue
-Exacto Knife
-Light Switch
-Adhesive Glue
-Exacto Knife
-Light Switch
Cut the Top Off
The first step is to cut the top off of the can. I used the exacto knife for this part, but make sure to cut as close as you can to the top of the can. This is so you have plenty of room to work with when you glue it on.
Cut the Bottom Off
Next I cut the bottom of the soda can off exactly like how I cut the top off.
Smooth the Soda Can
Next I cut the back side of the soda can so that the Monster logo would be visible on the light switch. I then used the edge of a table to smooth the soda can flat.
Cut to Size
The next step is to cut the 2 sides of the soda can to fit the light switch. Make sure to leave some excess can on all sides, so that you can later fold it over the switch.
Glue the Soda Can
Next is to spray the Adhesive Glue onto the cover switch and place the soda can cover on top. Apply pressure for 30 seconds or until the glue drys.
Fold the Excess of the Soda Can Cover
Next is to fold the excess sides of the soda can to the back side of the cover. I used the end of a pen to crease the can so that it wouldn’t fold back up. I only had excess of the can on the sides, but if you have excess on the top and bottom fold that too.
Cut Out the Hols
The last step is to cut the holes so that the cover can fit back onto the switch. I also cut little holes where the screws go so that it would be easier to screw back on. I used the exacto knife for this part. And when you screw the cover back on you are done!