Homemade 360 ံ LAMP
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UPDATE: 22/08/2016 Sucesd tests.
Recently, I used all old Materials (Recycled pipe).
I use this parts and tools.
(1) Pieces of wood. (2) Recycled pipe (3) Driver screw. (4) Screws (5) Bult (6) wires
These two wood are used as a foundation.And then, T shape pipe is drilled by screw driver.we made the hole to connect with the long pipe and wood.
Try to 360 ံ Lamp
The wire is put in the pipe.
The small long pipe is put in the hole.
And then, the big long pipe is fixed on the small long pipe.
The T Shape Pipe is put on to the big long pipe in the converted position.the bult is fix at of T shape converted pipe.