Half Moon Stuffed Cookies
Though last but not the least, I am sure this innovative version of the cookie with a crispy crunchy outer crust and a sweet and salty inner filling will bowl you over. These are half-moon shaped cookies, some with sweet coconut some with semolina dry fruits and some with salty mayonnaise sweetcorn filling. The showstopper is the stuffed swan at the centre.
- Semolina-3 tbs
- Crushed Dryfruits- 2tbs
- Cardamon powder-1/4 teaspoon
- Butter-50grams
- Grated coconut - 1 cup
- Milkmaid - Half cup
- Sweetcorn- Half Cup
- Mayonees - 1/4 Cup
- Black pepper powder -1 teaspoon
- Red Chilli Flakes -1/4 teaspoon
- Rocksalt- a pinch
- Sugar
- Refined Wheat Flour - 1 Cup
- Oil- 1/2 cup
- Baking powder - half teaspoon
3 Types of Stuffings
You can make any number and variety of fillings. Here I have made
- Semolina Dryfruit Filling
- Coconut Milkmaid Filling
- Sweetcorn Mayoneese Filling
Samolina Filling
- Put butter in a heated pan to it put cardamon powder and then add semolina and crushed dry fruits and a little sugar
- Sugar depends on how much sweetness you want
- Fry them till golden brown
- Remove from heat and let it cool.
Coconut Milkmaid Filling
- In a heated pan put the grated coconut and the milkmaid and keep stirring it till it gets sticky
Sweetcorn Milkmaid Filling
- Mix sweetcorn mayonnaise, black pepper powder, red chilli flakes and rock salt
Fillings Done
- Now you have 3 types of filling ready: 2 sweet and 1 salty
Dough Making
- Make a dough with flour, oil, baking powder, a pinch of salt and water.
- Make a small ball out from the dough.
- With the help of a rolling pin, roll them into Circles
- Take each circle in your palm and put anyone filling in it.
- Fold it to half
- The edge of the two sides of the halves is joined by pressing the finger on it and folding it repeatedly so that it forms a beautiful design.
- Put these stuffed ones in a greased tray and put it in the tight preheated oven.
- Bake it at 150 degrees Celcius
Swan Cookie
- The last cookie was made into the shape of a swan.
- To make that shape, the stuffing was put in the dough and it was carved into that shaped (see the pictures)
Baking of Swan
- Same procedure has to be followed as the previous baking.
- After the cookies are baked decorate it with chocolate syrup and dry fruits as you wish.
Serve these hot cookies straight from the oven to your guests who will get a surprisingly different flavour of fillings each time they bite a different cookie. And Just watch their face glow.