Giant Eyeball
This procedure will show you how to make a giant eyeball for a prop. Read the steps below and enjoy!
Gather Paints
Take the colors of dark blue, light blue, green, white, and black. Make sure the paint is acrylic paint.
Take Foam Ball
Get a 10 inch foam ball for the eye.
Take Elmer's Glue
Get some Elmer's glue. This will mix with the paint, so it will stick to the foam.
Mix Paint and Glue
Next, mix the white acrylic paint with the Elmer's glue.
Paint the Ball
Paint the eye ball completely with the white paint and Elmer's glue.
Dry the Eyeball
Put the eyeball in front of a fan or hair dryer, to dry the eyeball completely.
Mix Black Paint and Glue
Next, mix the black acrylic paint with the Elmer's glue, just like you did before.
Get a Half Foam Ball
Take a foam ball and cut it in half.
Paint Half Foam Ball
Take the black paint mixed with the glue and paint it into the half foam ball for the pupil.
Draw a Circle for the Iris
After the big foam ball has dried, draw a circle around the center of the ball for the iris.
Take Dark Blue Acrylic Paint
Take the dark blue acrylic paint and put it on the plate for the iris.
Paint the Iris
Take the dark blue acrylic paint and paint the circle that you drew. (iris)
Dry the Iris
Next, put the foam ball in front of the fan to dry it completely.
Take Light Blue Paint
Take the light blue acrylic paint and put it on a plate.
Design the Iris
Take the light blue acrylic paint and crate a design on the iris just like the picture shown.
Dry the Iris
Just like done before, dry the iris.
Last of the Colors Needed
Take the colors shown in the picture above, and separate them on a plate.
Last Designs
Then, create a design on the iris with the colors you have. Make sure it looks realistic.
Black Half Foam Ball
Then, take the black half foam ball that you made earlier.
Hot Glue Half Foam Ball Onto Eyeball
Next, put hot glue on the bottom of the foam ball and stick it in the middle of the iris.
Finish Product
Lastly, there is your finish product.