Easy Wire Rings
This is how to make your own rings, and its very easy.
You'll need a few things to make this:
Some small beads or stones, wire, and super glue. So first, acquire some beads or stones.
You can buy craft wire almost anywhere, or use solder.
Wrapping the Stone
Cut a small amount of wire and wrap it around the stone.
Putting It Together
Then thread a longer pie of wire through the wire on the stone. Be sure to glue the wire to the stone now, and wait for it to dry.
Wrapping Up
I suggest wrapping the wire around the larger part of your thumb; this always works for me.
When it's almost done, wind the wire around the rest of the ring a few times to hold it all in place.
Thats It!
And now you can wear it! (as long as the glue is dry! :)