Decision Dartboard
Hi Instructables,
I don't know about anyone else but during the lockdown I have been suffering from a severe case of brain fog, especially when it comes to tasks around the studio. So in this instructable I'm going to share how dealt with it and its surprising effective.
Bonus is you don't even need to be good at darts (in fact it probably works better if you're not)
The decision dartboard
A dartboard and darts. (I actually found this one
Post-it notes.
A lack of skill at darts ( I have an abundance of this)
Set It Up and Go
Simply take a task and right it on the post it note.
Attach the post it note to the dart board.
Repeat as much as needed. I kept it to around 10 tasks.
Take a dart and throw.
BOOM! Decision made.
I done this with tasks around the workshop but you could apply it to anything or even intersperse it with "treats"
Anyway, I hope you like this instructable and hopefully find it usefull. As always thoughts, comments and criticisms are welcome : )