Crystal and Wood Wall Hanging
Crystals can be beautiful, intricate objects with mesmerizing swirls of color meandering through their veins. Quartz crystals, like the Amethyst in this Instructable, are useful as piezoelectric material in electronics and healing tools in Crystal Work. I found a string of large Amethyst crystals at Hobby Lobby a while back and finally found a good use of them as the wall hanging demonstrated in this Instructable.
Wood square - 2 x 2 x 9/16 inch
Large crystals with center hole - 33 mm or larger
Wood beads - 2 - 4mm to 5 mm
Wood veneer edge banding (pre-glued) - 3/4 inch
Craft wire - 20 gauge
Scrap wood - 5 x 5 x 3/4 inches or larger; 1 x 1 x 3/4 inches or larger (sanding block)
Tools: Drill; drill bit - 3/32 inch; pliers - clipping, needle nose; pencil; ruler; thumb tack; index card; shears; iron
Materials: Wood varnish; aluminum foil; sandpaper - 120 grit; masking tape; soft cloth
Protective gear: Safety goggles, face mask, disposable gloves
Drill Hole in Center of Wood Block
1. Trace wood block onto index card.
2. Draw lines from one diagonal corner to the other to determine center. Cut out card.
3. Place card on wood block. Punch hole through center with thumb tack.
4. Drill hole in center with 3/32 inch drill bit.
Prepare Edge Banding - Determine Length Needed
1. Arrange crystals and beads on wire.
2. Push top of wire through hole in wood block.
3. Pull length of edge banding around wood block to form circular shape.
Prepare Edge Banding -
1. Cut edge banding.
2. Punch hole through all layers of edge banding with thumb tack.
3. Cut two pieces of edge banding to match.
Prepare Edge Banding - Form Circular Shape
1. Place glue side together of two banding pieces.
2. Iron two pieces together between sheets of aluminum foil. Shape band duo ends around wood block while band duo is not too hot to touch. Form circular shape while ironing band duo.
3. Tape band duo ends together with masking tape. Allow to cool 2 hours or more.
Prepare Edge Banding - Sand and Varnish
1. Sand edges of band duos to remove glue. Wear goggles and face mask.
2. Sand wood block, if necessary, to remove rough edges.
3. Remove residue with soft cloth.
4. Varnish band duos and wood block. Wear disposable gloves and face mask.
Secure Bead End
1. Twist wire around bead end.
2. Push twisted end through hole of crystal.
3. Pull crystal down over wire end.
Attach Wood Block and Edge Bands
- Pull top of wire through hole in wood block.
- Add edge bands. Use thumb tack to reestablish hole if filled in by melting glue.
Secure Top Crystal
- Pull wire through top crystal.
- Bend wire over crystal.
- Loop wire over crystal.
- Pull wire up through bottom of crystal.
- At top of crystal, clip wire, leaving a small piece.
- Bend small wire piece over top of crystal.
- Finished!