Converting Cybot to Run on Four 3.7 Volt Rechargeable Batteries

by Palingenesis in Circuits > Robots

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Converting Cybot to Run on Four 3.7 Volt Rechargeable Batteries

Tim's Cybot (Original Issued, run on four 3.7v Li-Po Rechargeble Batteries)

When Cybot was issued many years ago, the main thing that let it down, was power.

It was powered with the normal 1.5v zinc batteries, 1.2v NiMH batteries could not be used due to the way the power was distributed.

Now we have the 3.7v LiPo batteries and many cheep and small bucks that will convert the voltage.

I decided to convert my original Cybots to run on 3.7v rechargeable batteries.

The video shows my Cybot running on rechargeable Li-Po batteries.

Having the 3.7v LiPo batteries makes a big difference to the performance of Cybot.

Movement and responsiveness is much better.



4 Number 3.7 volt Li-Po batteries, I'm using 1200mAh. (Other sizes will be OK, but if too large, they won't fit inside Cybot)

4 Number connectors with leads that fit the battery connectors.

2 Number Bucks, I'm using MH-MINI-360 DC-DC Buck

Cybot's Power Upgrade

Cybot Battery Box Upgrade.png
8x Power Regulator.png
Power Board 001.png
Power Board 002.png

This modification is for Cybots that have the power upgrade from issues 53 and 54.

I also recommend it has the 8v regulator fix that was issued with issue 59.

Some later released versions of the power board came with the 8v regulator incorporated on the board.

The images show one board without the 8v regulator, which needs the extra fix, and one board with the 8v regulator added, which does not need the fix.

Adaptor Cable Part 1

Cable Step 01.png
Cable Step 02.png

The first thing to do is make the Adaptor Cable:

Trim the wires on the battery connectors and join as shown.

Adaptor Cable Part 2

Cable Step 03.png
Cable Step 04.png

Next trim the remaining wires and solder them to the Bucks as shown.

Adaptor Cable Part 3

Cable Step 05.png
Cable Step 06.png

Next add cables to the other side of the Bucks.

Adaptor Cable Part 4

Cable Step 07.png

Next Join the two Bucks in the following way.

Retreving the Power Plug, Part 1

Cable Step 08.png

The next thing to do, is get the plug from the 8xAA Battery Box:

First remove Batteries and the four screws holding the front panels of Cybot.

Retreving the Power Plug, Part 2

Cable Step 09.png

Carefully lift the front panels, and remove the battery plug, the two screws holding the power board, and the four screws holding the 8xAA Battery Box.

Retreving the Power Plug, Part 3

Cable Step 10.png
Cable Step 11.png

Now remove the 8xAA Battery box and cut the plug from it with about 30mm wire.

Adaptor Cable Part 5

Cable Step 12.png
Cable Step 13.png

Now solder the plug to the two Bucks.

Setting the Voltage Part 1

Cable Step 14.png

Now the voltage needs setting on each Buck.

Each Buck needs to be set individually.

Connect four fully charged batteries to each of the sockets.

Setting the Voltage Part 2

Cable Step 15a.png

Using the adjustment potentiometer, carefully set the First Buck to 6 Volts.

Setting the Voltage Part 3

Cable Step 15b.png

Using the adjustment potentiometer, carefully set the Second Buck to 6 Volts.

Setting the Voltage Part 4

Cable Step 16.png

After setting both Bucks to 6 volt. Connecting the Volt Meter to Red and Black should read 12 Volt.

Setting the Voltage Part 5

Cable Step 17.png

Now that the Voltage is set, insulate the Bucks with tape.

(Leave the ends open so air can flow through)

Fitting Part 1

Cable Step 18.png

Now the new battery lead is complete, disconnect the batteries from the lead and connect it to the Power Board inside Cybot.

I held the Power Board in place, against the other boards, with a hair band. (any sort of elastic band or Nylon Plastic Cable Ties will do)

Fitting Part 2

Cable Step 19.png

After securing the Power Board in place, refit the front panels of Cybot.

Then the batteries can be re-connected to the new cable. (Batteries can be held together with a band or tie)

Fitting Part 3

Cable Step 20.png
Cable Step 21.png

Place the batteries inside Cybot.

Fit the Battery Lid.

All Done

Tim's Cybot (Original Issued, run on four 3.7v Li-Po Rechargeble Batteries)

All done, ready to rumble.

The Bucks are fitted to the batteries before the switch on the Cybot.
Un-Plug the Batteries from the Bucks when not in use.
The Bucks will drain the batteries even if the Cybot is switched off.
(If LiPo Batteries are drained below 3 volt, they may be rendered useless).

I Have a 3D Printer


I decided to make some 3D Printed parts to hold the Power Board and the Batteries in place.

3D Parts

Li-Po Battery Holder.png

Here are the STL files for the parts.

I printed them with PLA.

Upper Power Board Clip.stl

Lower Power Board Clip.stl


Fitting 3d Parts

Clips Attached to Power Board.png
Power Board Fitted On Plastic Clips.png
Power Board Top Clip View.png
New Battery Support.png

The larger Power Board Clip fits the lower part of the Board.

Clips attached to the Power Board using original screws.

The battery support is a modified Battery Cover (Lid).