Bathtub Full Alert
Hi! We have all thought of what would happen if you turned on the bathtub faucet and forgot about it, so I decided to make something that would help! In this tutorial I will be showing you how to make a simple gadget that eliminates that problem and alerts you when your bathtub is full! Here are the things you will need:
Active piezo buzzer x1
Small spdt switch x1
CR2032 battery with a holder x1
2n2222a or similar transistor x1
A small suction cup x1
(OPTIONAL) a waterproof enclosure x1
Some hookup wire, perfboard, or a breadboard.
The Plan
The circuit will use a transistor to increase its' sensitivity. When the two probes are next to each other, they will not activate the buzzer. When they are the same distance apart, but in the water, the buzzer will be activated.
Solder the parts as shown in the pictures and the diagram, leaving out the probes.
The Probes
Use around 1-2 feet of wire for these, wire them as shown in the diagram on step 1.
Almost There!
Now, you can put these parts in an enclosure if you want, but I just wrapped mine in hot melt tape. Now just add the suction cup to the bottom with some glue and you will be done! Also, you can add a weight to the probes, and glue about 1/2 inch length of a skewer between them to separate them. REMEMBER!! Unless you add a waterproof enclosure or something, THIS GADGET IS NOT WATERPROOF!