3 Ingredient Pastries
today I'm going to show you how to cook these simple 3 ingredient pastries that are wonderful for a breakfast.
this recipe is super simple and only takes about a half hour, i hope you enjoy.
Breakfast Pastry
all you will need for this recipe is:
pie crust, it can be homemade or store bought
an egg
and strawberry jelly, or filling of your choice
Preparing the Crust
pre heat the oven to 350 and line a baking tray with foil. get the dough and roll it out into a large square and cut it twices as long as you want it to be.
Take a spoon full of the filling and place it on one side of the crust, then fold the other side over it and pinch the edges. using a fork press all around the edges to seal it up all the way.slice 3 slits on the top and brush the wisked egg on top [this will give it a nice gold brown look].
place the pastries in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, take them out and enjoy!
these pastries are wonderful and i would recommend making them. please leave a suggestion or give feedback in the comments, i hope you enjoyed please subscribe and if you could vote for me. thanks for reading